Science Research Portfolio

7th grade - Novel Machine Learning Approach to Predict Post-Fire Tree Mortality

2nd Place at State Level in Earth and Environmental, Nominated for ThermoFisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge (ThermoFisher JIC)  

Millions of hectares of forest burned yearly, with many trees dying months later despite looking healthy. I worked by myself, from finding the data, using the data, cleaning the data, and using some of my previous Google Earth knowledge. I finally built a model to help save trees and reduce CO2 emissions.


Cool bonus 

Science Fair 2nd Place Award

7th grade - FloodGuard - A web-based tool designed to quickly assess the flood risk in counties across the United States.

When I read the WHO article about drowning causing 75% of deaths in flood disasters, I was shocked. So, how could I help make informed decisions? I then used Google Earth Engine to combine various data layers, including precipitation, elevation, vegetation, and surface water, to provide a holistic view of flood hazards. I developed 'FloodGuard,' a user-friendly interactive web application designed to streamline flood risk assessment in specific U.S. counties. In a competitive landscape of flood risk analysis tools, FloodGuard stands out as a user-friendly and accessible solution, offering valuable insights for informed decision-making.

My goal - is to expand this to all countries so people can make informed decisions for themselves! 

6th Grade - Solarize My School

Amidst this research, I faced COVID-19, yet I persevered to see it through, driven by my determination to finish what I started.

Passionate about protecting the environment, I explored renewable energy, particularly solar power. This led to Solarize My School, where I merged my passion with engineering. Using Google Earth Pro and Energy3D software, I conducted a virtual survey and built a detailed model of our school. Through simulations, I optimized factors like solar panel positioning and material for maximum efficiency. The result was impressive: a rooftop solar panel system with 400 large racks, generating over 1 million kWh annually. This would significantly cut our reliance on fossil fuels and benefit the environment. Moreover, the initial investment could be recouped through electricity cost savings in about 13 years, making solar a sustainable and cost-effective solution.

This project wasn't just about calculations; it aimed to create a sustainable future for our school community, offering both environmental and financial advantages.

5th Grade - Laundry Detergents: Harmful or Helpful?

1st Place at State Level in Chemistry and Special Award from American Chemical Society

Fascinated by eco-friendly laundry options, my 5th-grade science fair project explored the potential of soap nuts: could they compete with established brands?  This project won 1st place at the State level in Chemistry.

Comparing soap nuts to traditional detergents, I tested their cleaning power. Eco-friendly, yes, but could they really clean? The results were intriguing. Soap nuts held their own against some eco-detergents, but not quite the top brands.  However, they seemed gentler, with clearer rinse water. So, while not the cleaning king, soap nuts offer a more sustainable choice for clothes and the planet.  

Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

...Trial 30

NCSEF Science Fair 2nd Place Award

Science Fair 1st Place Award

4th Grade - Are Smart Homes Safe?

1st Place at State Level (highest level in Elementary) in Biological Sciences

Ever wonder if all those cool smart home gadgets are really safe?  That's what I explored for my 4th-grade science fair project, which even won 1st place in Biological Sciences at the state level.  My project looked at how things like Wi-Fi from smart devices might affect living things.  After three weeks, plants that got more Wi-Fi didn't survive as well.  It seemed like the more smart devices were bunched together, the stronger the Wi-Fi got too.  So, while smart homes are awesome, maybe there's more to learn about how safe they really are! 

Science Fair Project Board

EMF meter measurement 1

EMF meter measurement 2

EMF meter measurement 3

Spindly stalks? Why won't they grow near a window?

Sowing seeds

Science Fair 1st Place Award